For the next Tuesday:
3 x Final outcomes – Printed on A3 (so people can draw on them, suggest improvements)
+ Text
+ Image
+ Text and Image
Design Boards
This will be your last opportunity to get feedback on your Final Outcomes and your Design Boards.
Make sure your Design Boards are saved as a PDF.
404 Submission brief
+ Text
+ Image
+ Text and Image
Design Boards
This will be your last opportunity to get feedback on your Final Outcomes and your Design Boards.
Make sure your Design Boards are saved as a PDF.
404 Submission brief
- blog studio brief 1
- next tuesday for 404, start with a silent crit (bring 3 final posters bnw A3) (design boards on computers) - last chance for feedback
- with rationale
- print off final 3 designs
- acrobat go to poster
- submit the a3 sheets
- design boards
- blogs with sb1
- sketchbooks maybe
design boards:
visual quality n resolution
- in relation in design principles
- visual literacy
- visual language (type layout grids composition focal point figure n ground)
- comm the message u wanna comm
- correct terminology to refer to design principle
image only
- unds what the principles are and evaluate your work how they work
- 3rd person documentation
- what ur idea is, why uve done it, wt u wanna comm, where the ideas come from
- typeface, layout add to the communication visually
- identify design principles
- the poster comm this idea ____by using____.
- how u used in design principles to improve ur design
- add extra bits to comm the message not only the word
text only
- 6-8/6-12 words on one sentence to make it easier to read
- could ignore principles deliberately to make it hard to read
text n image
- what u look at 1st 2nd 3rd how u use design principle to direct the flow of reading --> hierarchy (sequence, how u force readers to read the material)
- FONT SMITH --> typeface anatomy
terminology: word, line, layout
Problem analysis/ definition
- 3 posters based on the issue
- how images are used to persuade ppl
- how uncomfortable the images are
- present info on biased/ persuade ppl/ subjective
- purpose of posters, wt r u trying to comm, wt r u trying to drawing ppl's attention to, persuasion
- invoke sympathy or suspicion in the viewer
- 5 ideas for each posters --> 15 in total
practically (range of approaches: text image layout)
- mess with it physically
- scales
- layouts
- design principles
- how u comm
- evaluate appropriateness of your choices used
- crits ideas
- clean layout
- same layout across all design boards
- grid system
- consistency
- make use of hangline --> top half lower half
- multi column grids
- gutter between columns
- 8pt 9pt body text
- typeface: serif for small text for easier legibility
- stacking line (words come up from the line)
- i hv used this visual lang to comm this bit of my research
- write abt design principles
- what principles you have used in design boards
- design principles used in designs analyse
- how the image is being used, how they r trying to persuade readers
- existing poster designs
- link in brief on estudio
initial ideas:
- dun hv to label every single ine
- could be sketches
- describe the most imp ones
- one board for each poster
- explain y its changed
final outcome:
- one per board
- paste them up n photograph them
- use acrobat
- why posterised why bitmapped
- feedback from crits
- be more objective
- this part of the project xxx failed to comm this idea as xxx
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