Tuesday, 29 January 2019


ACTUAL: 175cm x 91cm
TEMPLATE: 39cm x 20cm

can add object, colour on top

reasons leading to serious housing problem in hong kong
  • lack of land that can possibly be developed
  • overpopulation (overloading of people in a limited amount of land
  • private land owners holding land for earning revenue

idea1(image only): ripped buildings

idea2(image only): sky fragments
  • putting pieces of skies together 

idea3(text only): OVER xxx
  • overpopulated
  • overloaded
  • overpriced 

idea4(text only): holes on article
  • cutting out -ve adjectives describing housings in hk from an article 
  • missing -ve adjectives

idea5(text only): què lack shortage 

  • in of 
made one similar

idea6(image and text): with all those expensive price tags on buildings 
  • making buildings like a high fashion brand package 
  • reflect housings in hong kong are becoming like a luxurious product that only rich people can own 
  • ref: The Asian financial hub has one of the most expensive property markets in the world, with the average cost per square foot of an apartment about HK$12,100 ($1,547.31), according to property agency Midland Realty. On the prime Hong Kong Island, the average cost is about HK$16,200 per square foot.
idea7(image only)
  • a man crouching on the canvas

idea8(text): boxed text
  • have an article about the phenomenon and place it inside a square 
  • concept: text holder, human holder

idea9(image only): many people in a small room/ cage/ coffin 

idea10(image only): loads of people on top of each other 
  • a building of packed people 

idea11(text only): weight
  • total population over total area for housing

idea12(image only): rural vs urban collage
  • ref: new york central park 
  • reverse the park and the buildings 

idea13(image only): reversed sky and buildings 
  • cropped buildings surrounded by sky 

idea14(image only): distorted buildings 
  • ref: cubist architecture, pipe homes(adapting to this phenomenon)
  • concept: the distorted mindset of hk ppl on how a normal living space should be like

idea15 (text and image): home kong
  • hk flag 
idea16 (text): coordinates 
  • 22.3964° N, 114.1095° E

objects that reflects a small limited space:
- coffins
- cages

- fridge 


reasons leading to serious housing problem in hong kong
  • lack of land that can possibly be developed
  • overpopulation (overloading of people in a limited amount of land
  • private land owners holding land for earning revenue

idea1(image only): ripped buildings

idea2(image only): sky fragments

idea3(text only): OVER xxx
  • overpopulated
  • overloaded
  • overpriced 

idea4 (text only): holes on article
  • cutting out -ve adjectives describing housings in hk from an article 
  • missing -ve adjectives

idea5(text only): què lack shortage 
  • in of 

idea6(image and text): with all those expensive price tags on buildings 

  • making buildings like a high fashion brand package 
  • reflect housings in hong kong are becoming like a luxurious product that only rich people can own 

Monday, 28 January 2019


- have an imaginative concept and original interpretation of the book 
- be competently executed with strong use of typography
- appeal to a contemporary readership
- show a good understanding of the marketplace(Penguin) 
- have a point of difference from other covers for same book

Is the rationale clear? If not, what is missing?

The followings are the comments and feedback from people in the final crit. I did some final refinements according to the suggestions that they gave. 

main problems:
- words above the eye are too small, might not be legible 
- gap between WNDER nad the O is too big, make the gaps smaller to make the design look visually better
- title on fromt cover and spine might be too big, make them smaller
- the Os look all the same, might change them into different handwritten Os, however I am still thinking whether to change them or not as the O represents Auggie and it i guees the Os should be all the same instead?
- i missed out the O in the quote on the front cover


things i did well:
- imaginative concept
- did well in using typographic content
- simplistic and effective content
- visually strong
- good choice of colours

things i think i should improve:
- try to create more collages
- use real objects for designs
- might be too stubborn when it comes to certain specific ideas? 
- should be more experimental 

After the final crit, looking at others work, I realized that people did a good job in making use of existing objects. They did well in cooperating real objects with digitally made elements and I think this is one of my weaknesses. 

This was the work of one of the course mates that I gave feedback on in the crit. I really like how he made use of the collaging method with existing objects and typefaces to creates his own design. He edited the existing objects digitally and made them look less raw which made the design look really good. He also made use of different textures and edited them to fit the theme. I think that the methods he used to create his design are what I should really learn from, as collaging might be the most efficient yet effective way to create a design and a good idea. 

Thursday, 24 January 2019


Today, we had a quick crit with Pat and the group. As there were 2 final designs that I have no idea which one to choose from, I showed them in the crit and asked people for advice on which one to choose from and what could be refined in terms of the layout.

final design1
 final design2

1. Having the space spared out for the Os narrower.
2. The Os on the back cover wasn't really legible. Could be in dark blue like the other letters.
3. "MY NAME IS AUGUST" was repeated. The quote under the eye could arc like the text on top. So that the text would be like wrapping around the eye to make the layout less cliche.
4. The Os on the front cover could be turning into more like a cloud each time when repeated. 

This was the final outcome after all the refinements. 

The final outcome was finally done today and I will proceed to the design boards. I have been working on the design boards lately and was waiting for the final outcome to be completed to finish my design development page and final outcome page. I will finish my design board today and tomorrow so that I will be able to get prepared for printing on Monday morning before the final crit. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019


Today: Start conceptual research design board 
Find an article that provides an interesting take on your chosen subject
Make note of 3 key ideas/ points 

Conceptual- research on chosen topic
Contextual- other poster design that give you ideas 
Practical- other design work they use design principles that gives you visual ideas

Crit next week 
1hr- find article, interesting points
Start doing quick collages 

*communicate the meaning behind these ideas using only test, only images, text n images* 
*x too obvious*

: use the floorplans of a small apartments àcreate typeface 
: fragments of cropped skies 
: buildings cut into two sections with the middle emptied 

Next week finish this module
Week after for ppp
Then practical cop 
Second week of ppp
Final design module 
After Easter 2 weeks of ppp 

-      Gather negative adjectives describing how small hk housings are àmake them really packed like the buildings in hong kong 
-      from the tenants’ point of view

-      Hong Kong has the highest wealth gaps
-      real estate is the most expensive in the world
-      The poorer you are, the less space you get
-      One door of two doors 
-       Illegally divide apartments into small inhumane bed spaces no larger than a cupboard 
-      11 people in one corridor 
-      No kitchen, eat out 
-      4.5 years waiting list for public housing 

-      nano flat 
-      little more than the size of two standard hong kong parking spaces 

-      world’s densest skyline 
-      Michael Wolf “Architecture of Density”
-      Michael Wolf “100×100″

-      Living in a Box,
-      No sunlight, no proper ventilation, extremely small, little compartments created [in] about 50 sq ft,
-      7.4 million people living in 1,098 sq km

Conceptual art
Joseph kosugh 

Barbara kruger (1980s) Selfridges

Monday, 21 January 2019


Overall, my design boards were not bad. My rationale was said to be clear and I was really happy about that as it was one of my weaknesses in the last module. I knew that using 1st person is not recommended, I tried my best to write in 3rd person, but the research part was hard, I will try to change them all into 3rd person.
I knew that the images in the development part looked alike. This was the main concern of my design boards and I would really like to work on that.

I also tried out using a real record on the sleeve. The record fitted into both the sleeves well.

Saturday, 19 January 2019


After a quick chat with Ben, some layout refinement is suggested to make the whole design look more cohesive. 
As the text on the back looked too boring if placed in the normal way, Ben suggested to place the "My name is August" on the eye, so that the image can incorporate with the words, also, it can also have readers interpret the eye as Auggie. 

Originally, I was thinking of only having the Os handwritten and other words would be typed out digitally. However, For the "MY NAME IS AUGUST" inside the eye, a handwritten version looked a lot better than the digitally typed out one. It made the design look less flat and more interesting. Therefore, I decided to handwrite the "MY NAME IS AUGUST".

After the crit on Thursday, I tried out the idea of applying all handwritten Os on the back cover. I replaced the original Os with 4 spaces and the hand written O. It turned out really good that the Os can stand out from the text and catch people's attention easily. At first, the Os are in blue, but then I realised that turning them white can make them stand out even more. It also can strengthen the idea behind of how unique and special Auggie was. 

As the text is originally in white, if the Os are in white as well, they won't stand out. Therefore, I ended up using yellow for the Os in the front cover. 

As the thinking bubble aligns with the eye at the back, the idea of turning it into a handwritten O will break the rule. 

Therefore, both of them are being turned into the handwritten O in order to make the front and back cover go well with each other. 

Friday, 18 January 2019


OUGD405: design process
SB1- micro-genre
-      Final crit on Monday 10am (outcome and design boards)

SB2- penguin book cover 
-      Research, Initial ideas, Design development done by this weekend 
-      Refine final outcome next week 

Deadline: thurs 31stJanuary (1:30-3:00)

Full submission:
-      Blog 405 (upload on estudio)
-      6 design boards
-      Practical work (flag, packaging, book cover design) (book cover: actual size)
-      Sketchbook

Act on feedback 
Aim higher grade
Improve your blog 

Design boards:
Right terminology
Improve research (analyze ideas and reasons behind the work) (not only looking at them visually) (don’t only describe it, find some info on it) 
Talk about crits on design boards àfinal outcome page 

Production of outcomes:
Professional standard 
Should be well made, not like mockups and test pieces 
Digital print: overlay them 

Knowledge and understanding (research and analyze)
-      Range of approaches to research, communication 
-      Describe + analyze 
-      Analyze research using the terminology as approach (look for hanglines, grids, columns…)
-      Explain your idea
-      Explain how you used visual language to comm your idea
-      Justify design decisions by linking them to your research 
-      Explain how you used design principles 
Images of:
Front cover only (in actual size)

Cognitive skills (conceptual development and idea generation)
-      Analyse intentions and ideas be.hind experiments 
Practical and professional skills
Practical and profession skills (selection resolution and presentation)

Key/ transferable skills