Monday, 14 January 2019


- like the use of type that is playful which links well with the childrens book
- eye as an O works really well
- using only the type in front with a closed eye at the back would look good and tie all elements together

Galaxy ripped idea:
- most unique meaning behind 
- use illustration of the same style as the back instead of an image for the front
- bigger rip would be better and more impactful

Dandelion idea:
- use a different font for the back cover as they are hard to read
- the circles diagram idea: circles could be used to reflect the 27 surgeries that Auggie has done

- weakest
- too flat and simple
- approach in a different way
- try photographing real objects to represent "breaking apart"

Rainbow idea:
- colourful: imaginative child-like nature
- head being covered: leaves it open to interpretations as to what he looks like
- text on the back are obscured by some colours--> text could be aligned vertically

Blue astronaut cover:
- favourite
- nice use of bold colours
- hand drawn elements are too dark

- effective illustrations (blackened to symbolise self-consciousness)
- strongest concept as well as visually

Text cover:
- darken meaning could have another interpretation
- the Os look like a thinking bubble --> opportunity to include more imagery

I am really happy that people liked the handwritten WONDER type as it reflects the childish style of childrens book. The closed eye idea for the back cover will be good but i couldn't think of a meaning behind that.

Someone suggested that the font that i used for the dandelion idea is hard to read. The font that I used is WAITING FOR MY GIRL DEMO REGULAR and i downloaded it from Maybe i will handwrite the text at the back to match the title type? The dandelion idea was also said to be too flat and simple, I personally think that the design is a bit too cramped by the text and the the text didn't work well with the diagram. Someone suggested to photograph objects to represent the breaking apart idea, however, I couldn't think of anything that can represent the design, maybe in order to make it less flat, I can add colours to it to make it less simple?

I personally think that the rainbow idea is bit too obvious and with little meaning behind, however people really like how the colourful theme matches all with the childrens book cover. It is true that it can be further developed with a vertical alignment of text for the back cover.

I myself really like the blue astronaut cover visually. The colourful title worked well with the famous WONDER blue. However, compared to the text cover, it has a weaker concept, yet not the weakest I would say?

I really like the text cover as the meaning behind is something I would really want to focus on. (How Auggie is being hurt by the bullies" The three Os are said to be looking like a thinking bubble. It think that this idea could be further developed as the speech bubble could make the cover with only text less dull and boring and match it with the childrens theme.

The modified cover after crit
I used dark blue as the background to symbolise the universe that Auggie likes a lot as well as to make it look more different from the original book cover. Yellow is being replaced to make the O stand out from the contrasting blue. The left one is the modified into a thinking bubble with the Os. The right one is modified into an eye with a big O to represent Auggie. Using only an eye to represent Auggie can keep it open to people's perception on Auggie's face. It also symbolises the hope that Auggie has in his eyes, that he would really like to blend in like the other kids in class.

design refinement and trying out on template

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