Mon: 405
Tue: cop, design principals: 3 posters, design board
Wed: independent study
Thur: morn: digital positives (indesign next week)
Fri: 405
405 Studio brief2
Try to make things physically
Enter the competition (march)
Submit it online (pdf, max5mb)
Enter a max of one design in each of the categories
Visually explore the narrative ideas found in the book
Have an imaginative concept and original interpretation of the brief(read the bk, watch the film)
Strong use of typography
Research: trends in book design (itsnicethat) (marbergrid)
Research: analyse previous award winner (wt makes it good? How is it distinctive?)
Look at existing book covers of your chosen book àhow urs can be diff to it
- What is your book about? What are the themes
- Visual motifs
- Visual concepts
How do you make these motifs and concepts visual?
How do you communicate their meaning?
How do you capture sb’s attention
*Michael oswell, oliver munday, erik carter, raf rennie, marion deuchars, chipkidd
*A smile in mind
Prompts: àcombine them
Modify Digital formats?
Use only type?
Use existing objects?
Create a simple diagram? (digital illustration? Diagram?)
Make something 3-D? (printed paper, folded cards) (negative space)
Use collage? (physically, digitally)
*less is more* àonly one idea on one cover
5mm bleed
Trim and crop marks included
Max file size of 5mb
Only front cover on first page
Full cover spread on second page (front, spine, back)
Contextual: existing book cover designs, cover layouts
Conceptual: research on the book
Practical: design work that you have researched to inspire your own design
Initial ideas: use range of approaches
IDEA 1: Use people to act out a concept or motif from the book
RESEARCH: Erwin Wurm ‘One Minute Sculptures’
Gary Card / Jacob Sutton - covers for Franz Kafka books for Penguin
Gary Card / Jacob Sutton - covers for Franz Kafka books for Penguin
How do you crop the image, how do you make use of empty spaces to place info
Task: Create at least 10 x One Minute Book covers
You will be given a list of concepts and motifs from your book
You will be given a list of concepts and motifs from your book
(taken from an online Study Guide).
You are to visually interpret these concepts and motifs using only your team members and the objects available to you in the Studio.
Once you have 10 distinct poses photographed, you need to work digitally to apply your design to the book cover template. You need to add the cover copy to the specified design temple.
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