9:30 intro – groups of 3
9:45 Kerndown
10:15 ligature / blog
11:15 blog/ OUGD403 St Bf 1 Design Boards
Space between letters
àaffect how you read
àMake letters stands out
Kerning (spacing between individual characters to achieve visually pleasing result)
àchange personality
àsometimes overhang
àwhat message you wanna deliver with the kerning
e.g. CEREAL (magazine) àsophisticated
e.g. 032c àstretch the type
use kerning to create the image of a fictional brand àpersonality
Lifestyle magazine
àspaced out
Condom company
Budget market
àbudget going up and down
ànot stable but mainly going down
High end jewelries
àlike a chain àjewelries
LIGATURES (connected letters) (turn two separate glyphs into a new one)
New ligature for a contemporary, acronym, phase or term
àformal? informal?
àsignificance? Seriousness?
àexplanation? Question?
àthink about what the phrase does
We then thought of when and how do we use STFU. We realized that STFU are often used irony. We didn’t really mean it when we typed STFU. Its more of like joking around. We then looked up the meaning of irony and it means:the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Therefore, we used an opposite approach. We tried to write STFU in an elegant way by using cursive. We also tried to flip words around to create that irony and opposite meaning of when you use STFU.
We then realised that we can only use the fonts that was given in the powerpoint. Therefore, we gave up the idea of making it elegant as there was no cursive options.
For the task, we formed groups of three and experimented on how to change the forms of a term to create a new ligature. We randomly came up with the term STFU. We all thought that the term is usually used with a strong expression. Therefore, we used upper case for the ligature.
We then realised that we can only use the fonts that was given in the powerpoint. Therefore, we gave up the idea of making it elegant as there was no cursive options.
We then focused on making a ligature which is something logo-like to me. Therefore we tried to combine S, T, F and U into a logo typeface to create our ligature. At last we came up with one that really looks like the @ sign with an S wrapping around TFU. |
We used Bodini for the final outcome as we all agreed that it gives people the strongest feeling. It also has bold serifs which matches with the use of STFU. By looking in detail, you can see that the there are the three letters TFU hidden inside the ligature we created.
Resource: Experimental jetset (whitney)
àmodify what you’ve got
Think how it can adapt and still can be seen
Same font but different colour tones
Put the logotype around
How can the text fit in the logo type
Who is your audience?
Same materials àmake it unconventional
Use things learnt in 404 align them in your studio work
Always blog 404 in class
403 àtypeface must be bnw